Know Your Grow

Weight Tracking for Cannabis Growers

TrimTrak was built to help cultivators collect and analyze their cannabis harvest data.


Simple Data Entry Transformed into Informative Reporting

Yield Tracking

Track Yields

Analyze yields by harvest, strain, and trimmer.


Expense Awareness

Calculates pay-by-weight and harvest costs.

Shared Data

Unlimited Users

Share critical data with your entire team.


Compliance Ready

Daily totals for flower, trim, and waste to satisfy state-mandated Track-and-Trace.

How TrimTrak Works


Create a Harvest

harvest tracking by strain

Track harvests by date and location. Add reference notes related to nutrients, lighting, or anything else you'd like to remember.


Add Strains

strain specific data

Associate strains and strain plant counts to each harvest for complete harvest visibility.


Collect all Trim Data

trim data storage

Track each strain's flower, trim, and waste weight by trimmer for each harvest.


Know your Grow

helpful reporting

Harvest, Trimmer, and Strain-based reporting including weight-based costs and trimmer compensation.

Can I see my yield for each harvest?
Yup, we've got that.
How about the yield broken out by strain?
Ok, but can I see the flower trimmed over the past 2 weeks, broken out by trimmer?!
Of course!!!


We expect feedback like this...once we start receiving feedback!

"We pay our trimmers by weight through a payroll company. With TrimTrak we can gather our trimmer payroll in just a few minutes. It used to take us an hour!"

-- ceo

"It's SOOO much easier for me to enter the trim info and I don't have to send regular texts to my boss."

-- trim manager

"We completed our most recent harvest with TrimTrak. What a difference! I had all the data I needed for my Metrc reporting."

-- compliance officer

Early Adopter Pricing

Seeking our first 10 users!

We've launched the TrimTrak Early Adopter Program.
Space is limited to 10 cultivators.

Early Adopter Program Incentives

Use TrimTrak free for the first 90 days.
Then pay just $10/month for your next 12 months!

Regular Pricing

The TrimTrak App

Visualize your data.
Make better decisions.

At-a-glance Harvest History.

Strain-specific Yield Data.

Easily Share Info with Your Team.

Unlimited Users.

$1 / DAY

Save $120/year.

Daily cost of $1/day based on annual
subscription of $365.

Monthly pricing is $38/month.

30 day Free Trial.
Cancel anytime.



Why do I need TrimTrak?

The success of your farm drives the success of your entire operation. If vertically integrated, it's the base of your pyramid. If you strictly cultivate, your business lives or dies by the success of the grow. You simply can't afford to be blissfully unaware of your harvest and strain yields. Likewise, managing your trimmers and their compensation is often tedious and difficult. TrimTrak makes this easy.

How do I get started?

Simply sign-up for a free trial. We give you 30 days to track as many trims as you can! We're confident that once you get to try TrimTrak you'll see it as a deal for only $1 a day.

Who owns my data?

Your data is your data. We'll ship it to you any time.

How does TrimTrak integrate with the compliance program* required in my state?

The data you collect in TrimTrak will be the data your state's mandated track-and-trace (seed-to-sale) system requires of you. Flower, trim, and waste data are aggregated and easily accessible to help simplify your mandated data entry tasks.* Not all states or countries are regulated at this time. However, even in an unregulated environment, TrimTrak provides usable insights to help you get the most from your cultivation.

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